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2. L. Ma, L. Zhang, P. Zhao, N. Hu, Z. Gong, W. Ye, Q. Wei, K. Zhou, Z. Yu, Y. Zhang. A new design of composites for thermal management: Aluminium reinforced with continuous CVD diamond coated W spiral wires[J]. Materials & Design,2016,101:109-116. |
3. Y. Wang, J. Li, H. Long, H. Luo, B. Zhou, Y. Xie, S. Li, Q. Wei, Z. Yu. A periodic magnetic field assisted chemical vapor deposition technique to fabricate diamond film with preferred orientation[J]. Surface and Coatings Technology,2016,292:49-53. |
4. Y. Xie, J. Zuo, B. Zhou, L. Ma, Z.M. Yu, Q. Wei, Z.G. Tang. Sandblast-free double-etched titanium for dental implants application[J]. Materials Letters,2016,176:74-77. |
5. B. Zhou, Z. Yu, Q. Wei, H. Long, Y. Xie, Y. Wang. Electrochemical oxidation of biological pretreated and membrane separated landfill leachate concentrates on boron doped diamond anode[J]. Applied Surface Science,2016,377:406-415. |
6. F. Jie, Q. Yao, S. Jingkai, L. Zhou, M. Li, W. Xianzhe, H. Dongping, M. Jun, Y. Zhiming, W. Qiuping. Ultrananocrystalline Diamond Films Deposited in Ar-CO2- CH4 Gas Mixtures by Microwave CVD[J]. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering,2015,44:3009-3013. |
7. 王菁清,龙航宇,谢友能,邓泽军,周静,魏秋平,余志明,唐瞻贵. 纳米/微米金刚石薄膜对钛合金摩擦性能和耐腐蚀性能的影响[J]. 中国有色金属学报,2015,25(6):1597-1606. |
8. J. Feng, Y.-n. Xie, Z. Li, X.-z. Wu, J.-g. Li, J. Mei, Z.-m. Yu*, Q.-p. Wei. Microscopic mechanical characteristics analysis of ultranano-crystalline diamond films[J]. Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China,2015,25:3291-3296. |
9. X.-X. Yu, Y.-R. Zhang, D.-F. Yin*, Z.-M. Yu, S.-F. Li. Characterization of Hot Deformation Behavior of a Novel Al-Cu-Li Alloy Using Processing Maps[J]. Acta Metall Sin-Engl,2015,28:817-825. |
10. J. Feng, S.S. Li, H. Luo, Q.P. Wei, B. Wang, J.G. Li, D.P. Hu, J. Mei, Z.M. Yu*. Preparation and characterization of ultrananocrystalline diamond films in H-2/Ar/CH4 gas mixtures system with novel filament structure[J]. J. Cent. South Univ.,2015,22:4097-4104. |
11. H. Long, S. Li, H. Luo, Y. Wang, Q.P. Wei*, Z.M. Yu*. The effect of periodic magnetic field on the fabrication and field emission properties of nanocrystalline diamond films[J]. Applied Surface Science,2015,353 (2015) 548-552. |
12. J. Zuo, Y. Xie, J. Zhang, Q. Wei*, B. Zhou, J. Luo, Y. Wang, Z.M. Yu*, Z.G. Tang. TiN coated stainless steel bracket: Tribological, corrosion resistance, biocompatibility and mechanical performance[J]. Surface and Coatings Technology,2015,277 (2015) 227-233.. |
13. Xianjie Zhou,Jiwen Xu,Ling Yang,Xiaosheng Tang,Qiuping Wei,Zhiming Yu*. Amorphous In 2 Ga 2 ZnO 7 films with adjustable structural, electrical and optical properties deposited by magnetron sputtering[J]. OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS,2015,5(7)1628-1634. |
14. Xianjie Zhou,Jiwen Xu,Ling Yang,Guisheng Zhu,Zhiming Yu*. Effects of tin content on structure, properties, electrical repeatability, uniformity and stability of high sheet resistance ITO thin films for touch panels[J]. Journal of Materials Science,2015,DOI 10.1007/s10854-015-3314-7. |
15. Xue-zhang LIU, Xiong-wei ZHANG, Zhi-ming YU*. Growth behavior of CVD diamond in microchannels of Cu template[J]. Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China,2015,25(6):2009−2017. |
16. H. Luo, Q. Wei*, Z.M. Yu*, Y. Wang, H. Long, Y. Xie. Effect of film thickness on the temperature dependence of thermal conductivity for diamond/BeO composites,[J]. Ceram. Int.,2015,41(9)12052-12057. |
17. H. Long, H. Luo, J. Luo, Y. Xie, Z. Deng, X. Zhang, Y. Wang, Q.P. Wei*, Z.M. Yu*. The concentration gradient of boron along the growth direction in boron doped chemical vapor deposited diamond[J]. Materials Letters,2015,157(0):34-37. |
18. T.M. Yang, Q.P. Wei*, Y. Qi, Z.M. Yu*. The diffusion behavior of carbon in sputtered tungsten film and sintered tungsten block and its effect on diamond nucleation and growth[J]. Diam Relat Mater,2015,52:49-58. |
19. T. Yang, Q. Wei*, Y. Qi, Y. Wang, Y. Xie, J. Luo, Z. Yu*. Microstructure evolution of thermal spray WC–Co interlayer during hot filament chemical vapor deposition of diamond thin films[J]. J. Alloy. Compd.,2015,639:659-668. |
20. Q.P. Wei, L. Ma*, J. Ye, Z.M. Yu. Growth mechanism of icosahedral and other five-fold symmetric diamond crystals[J]. Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China,2015,25:1587-1598. |
21. Y. Liu, M. Du, M. Zhang, Q. Wei, Z. Yu, X. Li. Growth of diamond coatings on functionally graded cemented carbides[J]. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials,2015,49:307-313. |
22. 余鑫祥,余志明,尹登峰,王 华,何岸青,崔 凡. 稀土Ce对新型Al-Cu-Li合金力学性能与组织的影响[J]. 稀有金属材料与工程,2014,43(2):495-500. |
23. 刘学璋, 余志明. 并联导热结构的金刚石/ 铜基复合材料的制备[J]. 中国表面工程,2014,中国表面工程, 2014, 27(6): p-p. |
24. 余志明,刘丹瑛,魏秋平,张雄伟,龙芬,罗嘉祺,王一佳. 氮气含量对射频磁控溅射法制备的AlN薄膜[J]. 粉末冶金材料科学与工程,2014,19(1):101-107. |
25. Yu Xinxiang, Yin Dengfeng, Yu Zhiming, Wang Jing, Cui Fan. Mechanism of Enhanced Fracture Toughness in a Novel Al-Cu-Li-Ce Alloy[J]. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering,2014,43(5):1061-1066. |
26. JQ Wang, J Zhou, HY Long, YN Xie, XW Zhang, H Luo, ZJ Deng, QP Wei*, ZM Yu*, J Zhang, ZG Tang. Tribological, anti-corrosive properties and biocompatibility of themicroand nano-crystalline diamond coated Ti6Al4V[J]. Surface and Coatings Technology,2014,258:1032-1038. |
27. Qiu-ping Wei, Xiong-wei Zhang, Dan-ying Liu, Jie Li, Ke-chao Zhou, Dou Zhang, Zhi-ming Yu*. Effects of sputtering pressure on nanostructure and nanomechanical properties of AlN films prepared by RF reactive sputtering[J]. Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China,2014,24(9): 2845-2855. |
28. Hangyu Long, Jingqing Wang, Xiongwei Zhang, Hao Luo, Jiaqi Luo, Zejun Deng, Q.P.Wei*, Z.M.Yu. Effects of copper interlayer on deposition and flexibility improvement of diamond microelectrode[J]. Surface and Coatings Technology,2014,258:797–803. |
29. Jiaqi Luo, Fen Long, Hangyu Long, Yijia Wang, Dengfeng Yin, Qiuping Wei*, Z.M. Yu. Coexistent structures and film growth in vanadium oxides films[J]. Materials Letters,2014,130,172–175. |
30. 翟豪,龙芬,余志明,王健. 退火和氧化性酸处理对HFCVD法制备[J]. 粉末冶金材料科学与工程,2013,18(4):539-544. |
31. 宋信强,张吉阜,李朝兴,陈和兴,余志明. 低温超音速火焰喷涂铝-微弧氧化复合膜的制备与性能研究[J]. 表面技术,2013,42(4):39-42. |
32. Xue-zhang Liu, Zhi-ming Yu*, Qiu-ping Wei*, Guofeng Wen, Xiaohua Duan, Xiaolong You. Modification of polycrystalline nanodiamonds by using periodic magnetic field enhanced hydrogen plasma and the application on nanogrinding of thin film magnetic head[J]. Colloids and Surfaces A,2013,416:9-15. |
33. Z.M. Yu, X.Z. Liu, Q.P. Wei*, T.M. Yang, M.K. Tian, H. Zhai. Nanocrystalline diamond matrix deposited on copper substrate by radical species restricted diffusion[J]. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,2013,13(10)6910-6916. |
34. Fen Long, Qiuping Wei*, Z.M. Yu, Jiaqi Luo, Xiongwei Zhang, Hangyu Long, Xianzhe Wu. Effects of temperature and Mo2C layer on stress and structural properties in CVD diamond film grown on Mo foil[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2013,579,638-645. |
35. Xuezhang Liu, Qiuping Wei*, Zhiming Yu, Taiming Yang, Hao Zhai. Adherent diamond film deposited on Cu substrate by carbon transport from nanodiamond buried under Pt interlayer[J]. Applied Surface Science,2013,265(15):714–719. |
36. Xue-zhang LIU, Qiu-ping WEI, Hao ZHAI, Zhi-ming YU. Enhancement of nucleation of diamond films deposited on copper substrate by nickel modification layer[J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China,2013,23(3): 667–673. |
37. Qiuping Wei, Taimin Yang, K.C. Zhou, Li Ma, P. Zheng, Jie Li, D. Zhang, Zhou Li, Z.M. Yu. Effect of sputtered Mo interlayers on Si (100) substrates for the deposition of diamond film by hot filament chemical vapor deposition[J]. Surface and Coatings Technology,2013,232(15):456–463. |
38. Zhi-ming YU, Jian WANG, Qiu-ping WEI, Ling-cong MENG, Shi-meng HAO, Fen LONG. Preparation, characterization and electrochemical properties of boron-doped diamond films on Nb substrates[J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China,2013,23(5):1334–1341. |
39. 黄正华,戚文军,郑开宏,张新明,刘敏,余志明. La对ZK60合金铸态组织与力学性能的影响[J]. 稀有金属,2012,36(5):835-840. |
40. 黄正华,刘杰,戚文军,郑开宏,张新明,刘敏,余志明. Mg-Al-Zn-Sm耐热镁合金的组织与力学性能[J]. 材料热处理技术,2012,41(12):10-15. |
41. 李秀萍,余志明,陈响明,刘王平. 硬质合金刀具ZrC涂层的沉积[J]. 硬质合金,2012,29(9):123-130. |
42. 尹登峰,余志明,王 华,孟力平,伍汰莎. 铈对2195铝锂合金显微组织和拉伸性能的影响[J]. 机械工程材料,2012,36(2):11-14. |
43. Xuezhang Liu, Qiuping Wei*, Zhiming Yu, Dengfeng Yin. CVD diamond film deposited on copper substrate enhanced by a thin platinum modification layer[J]. physica status solidi (a),2012,209(11):2217-2222. |
44. 孟令聪,余志明,郝诗梦,王菁清,魏秋平,焦娜. 金刚石表面终端和电解液pH值对铌基硼掺杂金刚石电极电化学性能的影响[J]. 粉末冶金材料科学与工程,2012,17(6):779-785. |
45. 文魁,刘敏,余志明,邓春明,张梦婷. 喷嘴形状对 Al2O3-3TiO2 粒子扁平化及其涂层性能的影响[J]. 中国表面工程,2012,25(4):49-55. |
46. Canhui Xu, Yong Jiang, Danqing Yi, Shunping Sun, and Zhiming Yu. Environment-dependent surface structures and stabilities of SnO2 from the first principles[J]. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS,2012,111:063504. |
47. Kun Yu, Liangjian Chen, Jun Zhao, Shaojun Li, Yilong Dai, Qiao Huang, Zhiming Yu. In vitro corrosion behavior and in vivo biodegradation of biomedical β-Ca3(PO4)2/Mg–Zn composites[J]. Acta Biomaterialia,2012,8(7):2845–2855. |
48. Xiangyang Xu, Zhiming Yu. Influence of thermal oxidation on as-synthesized detonation nanodiamond[J]. Particuology,2012,10:339-344. |
49. Xiaobin Wu, Zhiming Yu, Qiuping Wei, Jun Zhao, Lingcong Meng, Jian Wang. Chemical vapor deposited diamonds on Re substrate for the application of field emission[J]. Surface and Coating Technology,2012,207:1-4. |
50. Xuezhang Liu,Tao Yu, Qiuping Wei*, Zhiming Yu, Xiangyang Xu. Enhanced diamond nucleation on copper substrates by employing an electrostatic self-assembly seeding process with modified nanodiamond particles[J]. Colloids and Surfaces A,2012,412(0): 82-89. |
51. 余志明,张益豪,魏秋平,刘丹瑛,孟令聪. 梯度基体温度法和反应溅射TiC过渡层对钛合金基体沉积金刚石薄膜的影响[J]. 中国表面工程,2012,25(3):20-27. |
52. Wu, X., Yu, Z., You, X., Tian, M. & Gong, Y. Characterization of diamond films deposited on Re substrate by magnetic field-assisted hot filament chemical vapor deposition[J]. Applied Surface Science,2012,258(6), 2117-2120. |
53. Jun Zhao, Kun Yu, Yanan Hu, Shaojun Li, Xin Tan, Fuwen Chen, Zhiming Yu. Discharge behavior of Mg–4 wt%Ga–2 wt%Hg alloy as anode for seawater activated battery[J]. Electrochimica Acta,2011,56(24):Pages 8224–8231. |
54. Li Ma, Kechao Zhou, Zhiyou Li, Qiuping Wei, Lei Zhang. Hot corrosion of a novel NiO/NiFe2O4 composite coating thermally converted from the electroplated Ni–Fe alloy.[J]. Corrosion Science,2011,53(11):3712-3724. |
55. 王健,余志明,吴晓斌,刘倩. 沉积参数对Mo-Re合金基体上沉积金刚石薄膜的影响[J]. 中国有色金属学报,2011,21(6):1415-1421. |
56. 田孟昆,余志明,刘学璋,葛婧萱,王玲,黄臣. 过渡层对铜基金刚石薄膜的影响[J]. 中国表面工程,2011,24(4):19-24. |
57. 魏秋平,余志明,陈中,朱笑东,刘培植. 热丝辐射距离和W-C梯度过渡层对高速钢基体气相生长的影响[J]. 中国有色金属学报,2011,21(11):2825-2837. |
58. WANG Ling,WEI Qiu-ping*,YU Zhi-ming,WANG Zhi-hui,TIAN Meng-kun. Influence of methane on hot filament CVD diamond films deposited on high-speed steel substrates with WC-Co interlayer[J]. J. Cent. South Univ. Technol.,2011,18:1819-1824. |
59. X.B. Wu, Z.M. Yu, Y.L. Gong, J. Wang, M.K. Tian. Diamond film growth on the Mo-Re alloy foil[J]. Journal of Crystal Growth,2011,314:58-61. |
60. Q.P. Wei, M. N. R. Ashfold, Z. M. Yu, L. Ma, D. F. Yin. Fabrication of high density, adherent films of five-fold symmetric diamond crystals by hot filament chemical vapour deposition.[J]. Journal of Crystal Growth,2011,336:72-76. |
61. 谭立新,蔡一湘,余志明,梁泰然. 各种粒度表征技术的相关性研究[J]. 材料研究与应用,2011,5(1)57-62. |
62. 谭立新,蔡一湘,余志明,梁泰然,刘辛,谢焕文. 激光粒度仪颗粒联测的结果与评价[J]. 中国粉体技术,2011,17(1):84-88. |
63. 宋玉波,代明江,余志明,韦春贝,侯惠君,肖晓玲. 磁控溅射WS2薄膜的制备工艺及其性能[J]. 真空,2011,48(2):25-27. |
64. Qiuping Wei, M. N. R. Ashfold, Z. M. Yu,L. Ma. Fabrication of adherent porous diamond films on sintered WC-13wt%Co substrates by bias enhanced hot filament chemical vapour deposition[J]. Physica Status Solidi A,2011,208(9):2033–2037. |
65. 魏秋平, 王钰言, 陈中, 刘培植, 余志明. W18Cr4V高速钢渗铬热处理对HFCVD金刚石膜生长的影响[J]. 中国有色金属学报,2011,21(7)1623-1631. |
66. 王玲,余志明,魏秋平,田孟昆,王志辉. 不同过渡层对钢基金刚石薄膜的影响[J]. 中国表面工程,2011,24(1):33-39. |
67. 魏秋平,田孟昆,马 莉,陈 中,刘培植,余志明. 热丝辐射距离与甲烷浓度对CVD金刚石薄膜的影响[J]. 粉末冶金材料科学与工程,2011,16(2):187-195. |
68. 魏秋平,宋玉波,余志明,胡应涛,尹登峰,马莉. 酸刻蚀处理对Si(100)和Si(111)上制备CVD金刚石膜的影响[J]. 中南大学学报(自然科学版),2011,42(3):650-657. |
69. Qiuping Wei, M. N. R. Ashfold, Y. A. Mankelevich, Z. M. Yu, P. Z. Liu, L. Ma. Diamond growth on WC-Co substrates by hot filament chemical vapor deposition: Effect of filament-substrate separation[J]. Diamond and Related Materials,2011,20:641-650. |
70. Li Ma, Kechao Zhou, Zhiyou Li, Qiuping Wei. Electrodeposition of Ni-Co-Fe2O3 composite coatings[J]. Journal of Central South University of Technology,2010,17(4):708-714. |
71. D. Wu, Z. Yu, J. Xiao, F. Ouyang. The chemical modification of graphene antidot lattices[J]. Physica E,2010,43(1):33-39. |
72. 宋玉波,代明江,余志明,韦春贝,侯惠君,林松盛. WS2-C固体润滑薄膜的制备及其摩擦磨损性能[J]. 材料研究与应用,2010,4(4):530-534. |
73. 魏秋平,刘培植,余志明,马 莉,龙航宇,苏绍华. 硬质合金基体的稀土硼共渗预处理对金刚石薄膜质量的影响[J]. 粉末冶金材料科学与工程,2010,15(4):331-337. |
74. Qiu-ping Wei, Z. M. Yu, Michael N. R. Ashfold, J. Ye, L. Ma. Synthesis of micro- or nano-crystalline diamond films on WC-Co substrates with various pretreatments by hot filament chemical vapor deposition[J]. Applied Surface Science,2010,256(13): 4357-4364. |
75. Qiu-ping Wei, Z. M. Yu, Michael N. R. Ashfold, L. Ma, Zhong Chen. Fretting wear and electrochemical corrosion of well-adhered CVD diamond films deposited on steel substrates with a WC-Co interlayer[J]. Diamond and Related Materials,2010,19(10): 1144-1152. |
76. Qiuping Wei, Z. M. Yu, Michael N. R. Ashfold,Z Chen,L Wang, L Ma. Effects of thickness and cycle parameters on fretting wear behavior of CVD diamond coatings on steel substrates[J]. Surface and Coatings Technology,2010,205(1): 158-167. |
77. 谭立新,余志明,蔡一湘. 岛津离心粒度分析仪测量模式的比较[J]. 中国粉体技术,2009,15(4):69-72. |
78. 龙航宇,余志明,陈爽,魏秋平,刘学璋. 掺钨氧化钒薄膜的制备及研究[J]. 中国表面工程,2009,22(5):31-36. |
79. 谭立新, 余志明, 蔡一湘. 激光粒度法测试结果与库尔特法、沉降法的比较[J]. 中国粉体技术,2009,15(3):60-64. |
80. 李福球,洪瑞江,余志明,代明江,林松盛. 真空阴极离子镀法制备Ti/TiN/Zr/ZrN多层膜[J]. 材料保护,2009,42(10):17-19. |
81. 魏秋平,王玲,余志明,陈永勤,马 莉,龙航宇. 进气方式对热丝CVD制备金刚石薄膜的影响[J]. 中国表面工程,2009,22(6):36-41. |
82. Xiaolong You, ZhimingYu,LinShi,LinWang. Influence of periodic magnetic field on the growth of CVD diamond films at lower temperature[J]. Journal of Crystal Growth,2009,311:4675–4678. |
83. Qiuping Wei, Z.M. Yu, L. Ma, D.F. Yin, J. Ye. The effects of temperature on nanocrystalline diamond films deposited on WC–13 wt.% Co substrate with W–C gradient layer[J]. Applied Surface Science,2009,256:1322–1328. |
84. Qiuping Wei, Zhiming Yu, Li Ma, Dengfeng Yin. Enhanced Nucleation and Smoothness of Nanocrystalline Diamond Films via W-C Gradient Interlayer[J]. International Journal of Modern Physics B,2009,23(6-7):1676–1682. |
85. 方梅, 余志明, 肖柱, 陈爽, 陈永勤. 基体预处理对氧化铍基金刚石膜性能的影响[J]. 材料科学与工艺,2009,20(3):4-8. |
86. 陈永勤, 余志明, 方梅, 魏秋平, 陈爽. 多晶氧化铍陶瓷上金刚石薄膜的生长[J]. 中国有色金属学报,2009,19(4):766-772. |
87. FANG Mei, YU zhiming. Effects of enhanced nucleation on the growth and thermal performance of diamond films deposited on BeO by hot filament CVD[J]. Frontiers of Materials Science in China,2009,20. |
88. 方梅, 余志明, 肖柱, 陈爽, 陈永勤. 氧化铍金刚石膜及其导热性能[J]. 粉末冶金材料科学与工程,2009,14(1):32-35. |
89. 余志明, 魏秋平, 叶浚, A. Flodrstrom. 正二十面体金刚石的形成及其计算机模拟[J]. 新型碳材料,2009,24(2):102-108. |
90. 魏秋平, 余志明, 马莉, 胡应涛, 尹登峰. 基体温度与热丝功率对HFCVD金刚石膜生长的影响[J]. 材料科学与工艺,2008,16(s1):241. |
91. 刘英坤, 陈和兴, 余志明, 邓畅光, 刘凤举. NiCoCrAlY涂层的抗中性盐雾腐蚀性能[J]. 机械工程材料,2008,32(10):52-59. |
92. 刘英坤, 陈和兴, 余志明, 邓畅光. 热处理态NiCoCrAlY涂层的抗中性盐雾腐蚀性能[J]. 腐蚀与防护,2008,29(12):745-748. |
93. Qi Xiao, Zhichun Si, Zhiming Yu, Guanzhou Qiu. Characterization and photocatalytic activity of Sm3+-doped TiO2 nanocrystalline prepared by low temperature combustion method[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2008,450:426-431. |
94. 陈爽, 余志明, 刘凤举, 方梅. 磁控溅射氧化钒薄膜的相组成及性能[J]. 中国有色金属学报,2008,18(12):2196-2201. |
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96. 王婷, 余志明, 游小龙, 丰杰. HFCVD金刚石薄膜在Mo基体表面的形核[J]. 材料科学与工程学报,2008,26(4):684-687. |
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